Industry Standards for Passenger Transit, Rail Vehicle Specifications

Human Engineering

Vibration & Shock

Continuous exposure to vibration and shock can reduce a persons ability to perform their tasks, and/or cause undue discomfort. The level of vibration and shock exposure should be determined based upon the length of the exposure and the persons functional requirements e.g. operators should have much better vibration and shock insulation than passengers that will have limited exposure.

The most common preferred standard used in transit applications is ISO-2631-1. BS 6841 is an alternative standard, however ISO-2631-1 is normally preferred.

Standard: ISO-2631-1 - Mechanical Vibration and Shock Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration
Purpose: This standard contains evaluation methods to determine the extent to vibration of whole body exposure for; human health and comfort, the probability of vibration perception, and the incidence of motion sickness.
Criteria: Specify analysis must be performed using standard, desired comfort level (Note: the 1978 version has comfort level graphs with exposure limits)
Usage: .... Vibration analysis must be performed per ISO-2631, vibration levels must be below the X-hour limit for fatigue and decreased proficiency.
Standard: BS 6841 - Guide to Measurement and Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Mechanical Vibration and Repeated Shock
Purpose: This standard contains evaluation methods of quantifying vibration and shock in relation to human health, interference with activities, discomfort, the probability of vibration perception and the incidence of motion sickness. Tentative guidance is given on the possible effects of vibration. This standard is not equivalent to ISO 2631-1..
Criteria: Specify analysis must be performed using standard, desired comfort level.
Usage: .... Vibration analysis must be performed per BS 6841...