Industry Standards for Passenger Transit, Rail Vehicle Specifications

Material Testing

Material Testing

The following standards are used to specify the various nondestructive testing methods that can be used for inspecting vehicle components.

Non Destructive Testing

The following standards define specific techniques and standards used for acceptance of nondestructive testing. Nondestructive testing methods discussed are Liquid Penetrant, and Magnetic Particle
Standard: ASTM A903 -Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Surface Acceptance Standards, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Purpose: This specification covers acceptance criteria for the surface inspection of steel castings when nondestructively examined by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection.
Criteria: Specify standard, relevant indications,according to Level (Levels I,II,III,IV,V)
Usage: ... no relevant indications according to ASTM A903, Level II
Standard: ASTM E1316 - Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
Purpose: This standard defines the terminology used in the standards prepared by the E07 Committee on Nondestructive Testing. These nondestructive testing (NDT) methods include: acoustic emission, electromagnetic testing, gamma- and X-radiology, leak testing, liquid penetrant examination, magnetic particle examination, neutron radiology and gaging, ultrasonic examination, and other technical methods.
Criteria: N/A
Usage: Reference Only

Liquid Penetrant Testing

The following standards define specific techniques and standards used for liquid penetrant type, nondestructive testing methods that can be used for inspecting vehicle components. Liquid penetrant examination is suitable for determining surface discontinuities on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and other materials.
Standard: ASTM E1417 - Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination
Purpose: This practice establishes the minimum requirements for conducting liquid penetrant examination of nonporous metal, and nonmetal components. This practice is a direct replacement of MIL-STD-6866. The penetrant examination processes described in this practice are applicable to in-process, final, and maintenance (in-service) inspections. These processes are applicable for the detection of discontinuities, such as lack of fusion, corrosion, cracks, laps, cold shuts, and porosity, that are open or connected to the surface of the component under examination.
Criteria: Specify standard, Type of dye, Method, and Sensitivity
Usage: ... per ASTM E1417, Type II, Method C, Sensitivity Level 3
Standard: ASTM E165 -Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination
Purpose: This test method covers procedures for penetrant examination of materials. They are nondestructive testing methods for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface such as cracks, seams, laps, cold shuts, laminations, through leaks, or lack of fusion and are applicable to in-process, final, and maintenance examination. They can be effectively used in the examination of nonporous, metallic materials, both ferrous and nonferrous, and of nonmetallic materials such as glazed or fully densified ceramics, certain nonporous plastics, and glass.
Criteria: Specify standard, Type of dye, Method, and Criteria
Usage: ... per ASTM E165, Type I, Method C, (Inspection criteria per ASTM E433)
Standard: ASTM E433 - Standard Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Purpose: Reference photographs are supplied as a means of establishing types and characteristics of surface discontinuities detectable by the penetrant inspection methods. Actual dimensions including maximum length of indications and number of indications per unit area must be specified by the users of this document. No attempt has been made to establish limits of acceptability or the metallurgical cause of a discontinuity.
Criteria: Specify standard name, desired criteria if any
Usage: ... per ASTM E433, Type II, Class A, (Criteria)

Magnetic Particle Testing

The following standards define specific techniques and standards used for magnetic particle type, nondestructive testing methods, that can be used for inspecting vehicle components. Magnetic particle examination is not applicable to nonferromagnetic metals and alloys. Additionally ferrous metals that have low magnetic permeability, or high alloy steels such as austenitic stainless steels, may be more effectively tested using dye penetrant methods. For additional information, please see ASTM E1444 appendix X5.
Standard: ASTM E709 - Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination
Purpose: This guide describes techniques for both dry and wet magnetic particle examination, a nondestructive method for detecting cracks and other discontinuities at or near the surface in ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle examination may be applied to raw material, semifinished material (billets, blooms, castings, and forgings), finished material and welds, regardless of heat treatment or lack thereof. It is useful for preventive maintenance examination.
Criteria: N/A
Usage: This standard guide is referenced by the more specific ASTM magnetic particle examination standards and procedures.
Standard: ASTM E1444 - Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination
Purpose: This practice establishes minimum requirements for magnetic particle examination used for the detection of surface or slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic material. Guide E 709 can be used in conjunction with this practice as a tutorial. This Practice replaces MIL-STD-1949. The magnetic particle examination method is used to detect cracks, laps, seams, inclusions, and other discontinuities on or near the surface of ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle examination may be applied to raw material, billets, finished and semifinished materials, welds, and in-service parts.
Criteria: N/A
Usage: This standard guide is referenced by the more specific ASTM magnetic particle examination standards and procedures.
Standard: ASTM A275 - Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings
Purpose: This test method provides a procedure for magnetic particle examination of steel forgings. This standard does not contain acceptance standards or recommended quality levels. Only direct current or rectified alternating (full or half wave) current shall be used as the electric power source for any of the magnetizing methods. Alternating current is not permitted because its capability to detect subsurface discontinuities is very limited and therefore unsuitable.
Criteria: Specify standard name, desired criteria if any
Usage: ... steel forgings shall be tested for cracks using ASTM A275, no relevant defects shall be found.
Standard: ASTM A966 - Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings Using Alternating Current
Purpose: This test method covers a procedure for the magnetic particle examination of steel forgings using alternating current as the power source. Only alternating 50-60 cycle current shall be used as the electric power source for any of the magnetizing methods. The ability to detect subsurface discontinuities is very limited when using an alternating power source, and therefore the test surfaces should be in the final thermally treated and finish machined condition.
Criteria: Specify standard name, desired criteria if any
Usage: ... steel forgings shall be tested for cracks using ASTM A966.